Client Testimonials

Robert Koenig, CEO

Woodbridge International, M&A Firm

Sean Fetcho, Co-CEO

Versea Health

Michelle Weeks, GM

Stryka Botanics

Jim Polley, President

Vanguard Dealer Services

Steve Porada, Co-CEO

Versea Health

Rob Lowe, CEO

Englert Leafguard

Dean Egan, Vice President of Sales

Roosevelt Paper

Marc Parette, Co-Founder

Parette Somjen Architects

Mike Goor, CEO and Founder

Contract Leasing Corp.

For a list of clients, click here.


Tim O’Neill, CEO

Dealer Product Services

“Your ideas — including bold behavior, “do or die”, and the 3 Fatal Flaws — energized our sales team. Your battle plans showed us a new way to attack new prospects. In one year, we went from having no testimonials to about 40 testimonials. We began to change how we sold. And our sales increased materially. I was pleased with the outcome, so I invited you to present again this year to our 40 salespeople and managers. Once again, you brought us another stack of new ideas, delivered in a high energy, unique, entertaining way. The sales team response was very strong — you engaged both the new team members and the veterans for 6 hours. What makes your seminars so effective is the way you customize to our space, with the battle plans you have us prepare. I think I have seen it all, when it comes to sales training — your customization is the way to go, to get sales team engagement.  At this point, I’m not sure I want to wait till our [next] annual meeting to take advantage of your insights and change process. I am thinking of bringing you in to do a sales management development program.”

E.Lawrence Ballen, Executive Vice President, Strategic Development

Contemporary Graphic Solutions

“We went through the steps and phases Andy outlined…and have been implementing the program under his leadership for about a year. I am happy to say that the program has been a success, not only in driving increased sales (up almost 13%) but in materially changing the culture of our sales force.  We give Andy all the credit for this….[He] is relentless in his attention to detail and willingness to work with every individual in the department to achieve success.  Initially, many individuals were resistant to adopting the program….One by one, Andy, utilizing his experience and knowledge of human behavior, brought them into the fold and made them believers.”

Read Andy’s insights in The Four Pillars of End-to-End Sales, from Salesforce and Inc. magazine.

Amazing results! This is what we need. I’d like to contact Andy Gole to learn more and get started.